Update: Zen and the art of Motorbike driving.
It's kind of funny – right after I wrote about how meditative motorbike rides in Vietnam can be, I started running into a series of events which caused me to rethink my premise.
First, I was driving when someone suddenly cut in front of me, hitting my front tire. I lost control for just a moment. It was a little scary, but I got over it quickly and resumed driving.
A couple weeks later, I was driving on a highway and a massive container truck nearly took me out. I was shaken up, but I was able to get back home and after a bit of time was able to calm down.
This was followed a few days later by almost getting hit in the side by a truck whizzing past me a little too fast in the motorbike lane. Our two mirrors collided, but I am grateful it wasn’t more.
Talk about irony in the simulation we call life!
Needless to say, I have rethought my opinion about motorbike driving in Vietnam. Unless I am in a small town or I have a quick local errand, I am sticking to the taxi.
Three in a row was just pushing my luck too much.