This letter is the fourth in a series of subscriber letters. I liked the format of the previous letter and will stick to that. I enjoyed the response to books I have been reading with a couple people pointing me in the direction of some more books I should add to my reading list. In addition, it was nice to have all of the internal blog housekeeping in one place to address quickly, so casual subscribers wouldn’t need to wade through ten posts of miscellaneous items when it could be included in one quick post.
Thanks heaps for the shoutout mate, I really appreciate it and am chuffed you enjoy the poddie, it's always cool to hear people talk about it like that, especially when episodes are quite a bit of work to put together (you mentioned research in your post, I feel your pain 😅). Thanks again and I loved The Sorrow of War, essential reading for anyone with an interest in Vietnam 🇻🇳 Cheers!
Your dedication to writing better gives me food for thought as I have thought you wrote extremely well right from the beginning. I am sure some who may read my posts probably think ‘this could be phrased better’ or ‘there is not enough information’, but I have always thought if someone has a question, please ask, and I am not necessarily writing for the highly educated and proficient writers, it is more for light reading. Keep up your good work Brian, you know I always read all the way through.
Thanks heaps for the shoutout mate, I really appreciate it and am chuffed you enjoy the poddie, it's always cool to hear people talk about it like that, especially when episodes are quite a bit of work to put together (you mentioned research in your post, I feel your pain 😅). Thanks again and I loved The Sorrow of War, essential reading for anyone with an interest in Vietnam 🇻🇳 Cheers!
It is definitely my pleasure. I love your podcast and wanted to welcome you here properly.
Your dedication to writing better gives me food for thought as I have thought you wrote extremely well right from the beginning. I am sure some who may read my posts probably think ‘this could be phrased better’ or ‘there is not enough information’, but I have always thought if someone has a question, please ask, and I am not necessarily writing for the highly educated and proficient writers, it is more for light reading. Keep up your good work Brian, you know I always read all the way through.