Aug 27Liked by Postcards from Vietnam

Another week of learning, I just asked my husband “did he know that China had sent so many troops and supplied massive funds during the Vietnam War” of course he knew, I think he has read everything about every war that has been. I have enjoyed your series, and as I have said previously some of it is way over my head, being a lover not a fighter 😂😂 normally I would prefer not to read about conflict, but the story of Ho Chi Min was of interest considering I have been to the city and visited the museum. Thank you Brian.

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I am happy you made it to the museum. That museum partially started my interest in writing the story.

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Aug 27Liked by Postcards from Vietnam

It certainly was an interesting place to visit, and one thing I remember were the bottles of wine? that had snakes in the bottle.

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Oh yeah, the special medicinal wine. It burns so much going down! I prefer Johnnie Walker.

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Too much both sidism. Eisenhower stated that the 1956 election could never be held because Ho was the most popular man in Vietnam and would win. So the US refused to support the election. That killed it.

Nixon and Kissinger sabotaged the Paris Peace Talks to harm LBJ’ reelection chances since they assumed he would run for reelection. He didn’t and Nixon sailed into office claiming he had a secret peace plan; only he didn’t. He greatly expanded the war. We were routed from the war in 1975, I.e we lost the war. Most external help for the North Vietnamese came from Russia and inadvertently the US military. Vietnam and China had a long history of enmity.

Dig deeper, my friend.

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You seem to be a new reader and missed the first three articles of the series. The first article mentioned the series is a biography of a man written mostly from a Vietnamese point of view. The point was to provide a different perspective about the man. Ho Chi Minh was already dead by the period you thought I should have covered more in depth (the 1970's). That would have been way off the topic. I only briefly covered the late American War in Vietnam to provide some closure to the story. Thanks for your input, but I am done here. Next week is a new topic.

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